Monday, August 8, 2022

When You Believe

 This blog entry is a small companion piece to the last blog "When I Pray."

Do you believe? 

I cannot say that I believe all the time(or as much as I should).  I have to learn on a daily basis that I have to believe. 

Believe in what?...Man...Woman...A Rock???  The answer is no to those items, but that my belief is in God. 

I am growing in the strength that When I believe(in God) that my periods of doubt are lifted. 

When I believe in Him I know that my days will be long(and prosperous).  I know that I shall be healed of any disease. 

When I believe I know that I am truly forgiven of all my sins.  

When I believe I know that the needs of my family and I are continually met. 

When I believe I truly recognize that God is my shield and rampart(meaning that there is a wall of defense and protection around me).  

The bottom line is that when you believe you will recognize that God is bigger (and greater) than are minds can fathom. He is always in control!!

Here's some scripture to support "When you believe."

"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see" Hebrews 1:11 NIV

"Jesus said to him, "if you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.""Mark 9:23 NJKV


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